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About us
eXceeding is a UK-based procurement consultancy founded on the principal of delivering best practice, procurement advice to all types of organisations. We collaborate with both public and private sector organisations to help you achieve the best services and solutions for your needs.
eXceeding is a UK-based procurement consultancy founded on the principal of delivering best practice, procurement advice to all types of organisations. We collaborate with both public and private sector organisations to help them achieve the best services and solutions for their needs.
The eXceeding consulting approach is cyclical. It ensures that our consultants can provide advice and expertise, create value, maximise growth and improve business performance through a process founded on continuous improvement.
Our complimentary library of helpful insights and resources will assist you with your procurement challenges.
Our latest blogs, including company news, market insight and thought leadership pieces on all things related to procurement, outsourcing and supplier management.
Our full library of LinkedIn Newsletters pffers more insights into the world of procurement.
eXceeding Sourcing is a dynamic purchasing system which provides a secure online portal, allowing us to run different elements of the procurement process digitally on your behalf. This offers shared transparency and peace of mind.
Our complimentary library of helpful video insights, advice and case studies will assist you with your procurement challenges.
We are always happy to help with any procurement-related enquires. Call, email or form enquiry – whatever your chosen method, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.