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Bid Review Services.

Bids are won and lost on the quality of the final bid review. This stage is about polishing the content, adding additional evidence points and ticking off high-scoring responses against the prospect’s criteria.

Once the bid has been drafted, the final stage before submission is to test your response, by reviewing it against the initial requirements. We recommend that this final tender evaluation is conducted by someone who has not been involved in the bid to this point.

This can be an internal or external stakeholder, but an independent tender review commonly results in a better chance of a winning bid.

Despite how important this final stage is, 49% of our clients admit that they fail to conduct a thorough bid review before submission.

Often the bid team will proofread the bid, but they are so close to the content that errors are missed. Or sometimes the bid process has taken longer than expected and they simply do not have the time to complete a tender review.

This is why many clients choose to use an external consultancy for the final tender evaluation phase.


Mick O'Donnell, exceeding bid strategy consultant

Mick O’Donnell

Mick spent 20+ years working for EDS and HP in the IT and BPO outsourcing industry, solutioning and managing complex Pan-European delivery models. This background has created a real passion for service excellence and delivering solutions that deliver true value.

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Our bid review approach.

eXceeding’s bid management expertise, together with our experience managing tenders for many large corporate and public sector organisations, offers clients the unique insights your business needs to improve your bid, score better and win more.

Common issues we see, include:

  • Reviewing too close to the deadline, leaving no time to objectively evaluate.
  • Having to make significant changes (which is evidence of poor process).
  • Criticism and negative feedback which demoralises teams and impacts rework.
  • Technical contributors are often unequipped to re-write/re-work responses.

To overcome some of these issues, our recommended approach means reviewing the final bid against the pre-approved storyboards completed by your subject matter experts as part of the response planning stage.

Key questions we ask include; does it fully answer the question? Does it articulate your win themes and solution? Does it demonstrate empathy with the customers situation? Is it clear and a pleasure to read?


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Sometimes it’s easier to discuss your requirements directly. Contact one of our expert bid consultants now.


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Bid review process.

The eXceeding way.

  1. Independent review: We review your bid against the original requirements in the tender documentation –scoring each question from the evaluator’s perspective.
  2. Feedback: We provide positive, credible and actionable feedback and advise on any necessary amendments.
  3. Action improvements: We offer support in the re-crafting process; either by drafting the content for you, assisting your team, or passing the recommendations back to you to implement independently.
  4. Final review: We then conduct a final review, checking for consistency and ensuring that any additions are in line with pre-agreed win themes.
  5. Training: In some cases, we will continue to advise our clients on the best approach to presentations and in the drafting and signing of contracts. But in all cases, we will work closely with your internal bid teams to ensure that they receive training on best practices in reviewing bids in future.

How we help with bid reviews.

eXceeding’s bid consultants can help with an independent tender review, or as part of a complete bid response process.

Sometimes it can be difficult for internal stakeholders to provide feedback; there is a fear of offending colleagues or a lack of experience of how to evaluate a bid. Or perhaps you simply do not have the internal resources to allocate sufficient time to the review process.

Our bid consultants can offer a completely unbiased review of your final bid response. We write and review bid responses on a daily basis, so we can quickly understand the criteria and the requirements to achieve the highest scores on each section.

We can review your response from an evaluator’s perspective, making sure that all of the client’s questions are thoroughly addressed and identifying areas where you could gain marks.

Outsourcing your bid review ensures:


An independent review from a bid expert means no mistakes.

Increased knowledge

Our bid team will train your team in best practice in reviewing bids.


In tone and in presentation.

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