Procurement Blog | eXceeding
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Here’s where you will find all our latest posts, including company news, market insight and thought leadership pieces on all things related to procurement, outsourcing and supplier management.

Procurement team working together

Is Your Organisation Really Ready for the New UK Procurement Act?

  The new Procurement Act is now well and truly in effect—like it or not! Yes, it’s here, and no, it’s not going anywhere. You can’t exactly hide under your desk and hope it disappears (we’ve tried, but the stationery cupboard just isn’t that cosy). The fact is, the rules have changed, and there’s no […]

By Rupert Adam on 18 March 2025

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eXceeding Achieves Cyber Essentials Plus Certification

We are excited to announce that eXceeding has been awarded the prestigious Cyber Essentials Plus certification, which is in addition to our existing ISO9001, 14001 and 27001 certifications. Whilst having already been Cyber Essentials certified for many years, this significant achievement highlights our unwavering commitment to maintaining the highest standards of cyber security, ensuring the […]

By Rupert Adam on 2 December 2024

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Group of six business people in a boardroom meeting shot at a distance from outside through the glass

The Delay of the Procurement Act 2023
What it means for you.

It’s been a few weeks since the UK government decided to postpone the implementation of the Procurement Act 2023, moving the start date from October 28, 2024 to February 24, 2025. Prior to the announcement, there was a lot of activity on LinkedIn and other social media platforms with rumours and chat. Then I don’t […]

By Paula Jarvis on 2 October 2024

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Procurement Professionals in a meeting

The Collapse of ISG:
Lessons in Risk Management for Procurement Professionals

The recent news of the collapse of ISG, one of the UK’s leading construction and fit-out companies, has sent shockwaves through the industry again following the failure of Carilion in 2018. With numerous high-value contracts in place across both public and private sectors, ISG’s sudden fall has left many organisations in a precarious position. Buyers […]

By Leigh Hatfull on 24 September 2024

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Who tradesmen standing by their white van in front of houses

Boosting SME growth through public sector procurement
4 Things your procurement team can do now

Discover what public sector procurement teams can be considering now to actively encourage tender participation from SME businesses.

By Steve Rowland on 17 May 2024

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happy gp with stethoscope smiling at patient

eXceeding appointed as a Framework Agreement Supplier by NHS Shared Business Services
We are now a named supplier under Lot 6 - Finance and Procurement

eXceeding is pleased to announce that they have been appointed as a Framework Agreement Supplier by NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) providing a compliant procurement route for consultancy and advisory services for the NHS and the wider public sector.

By Jane Shortall on 10 April 2024

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Two women smiling in front of a whiteboard

Empowering women in procurement
Overcoming challenges and inspiring inclusion

We take a closer look at the compelling reasons why women should consider procurement as a career path, highlighting the importance of diversity and inclusion in driving innovation and success, and recognising actions that organisations can take to inspire inclusion.

By Jane Shortall on 8 March 2024

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cropped shot of business woman looking closely at laptop confused

Unpacking ‘The Official Transforming Procurement Knowledge Drops’
What the Procurement Act 2023 means for you

In this guide, we ‘unpack’ the official knowledge drops for contracting authorities in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, exploring the key changes between the previous regulations and the Procurement Act, the benefits of a new approach to public procurement, and the steps organisation can take now to ready themselves for implementation.

By Steve Rowland on 23 February 2024

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Tender Support Services | Tender Management | eXceeding

From cost centres to value drivers
Putting procurement teams in the spotlight

Procurement teams play a vital role in helping organisations to achieve their goals and objectives. If you are struggling to share or monetise your value across your organisation, here are a few tips you can adopt.

By Steve Rowland on 17 November 2023

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Business man and woman Discussing And Sharing Ideas in office with a view

Unleashing the power of Supplier Relationship Management
6 quick wins to focus on right now

When it comes to SRM, many organisations face challenges but managing suppliers effectively means you could be saving costs, improving your customer satisfaction or reducing future risk. Read our top tips to help improve your SRM today.

By Steve Rowland on 18 August 2023

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Close up of man's hand typing in numbers on a calculator whilst reviewing business reports

Navigating the cost-of-living crisis
How procurement teams are rising to the challenge

Procurement teams have been significantly impacted by the cost-of-living crisis. As the unsung heroes working tirelessly behind the scenes to secure goods, works and services for organisations, what are they doing to overcome these challenges? We investigate.

By Steve Rowland on 7 July 2023

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The word understand in a speech bubble on a blue background with a hand holding the speech bubble

Interpreting and applying the Social Value Model for your organisation
Social value webinar series: part 1

Social Value is a common topic in procurement conversations, but how do you apply Social Value principles in practice? In this recorded webinar, Paula Jarvis MCIPS, Procurement Consultant and CIPS lecturer, highlights how to get to grips with the key social value themes early in the process as a foundation for success.

By eXceeding on 8 June 2023

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