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Market Insight

Blog articles which provide up-to-date market insights on all things procurement-related.

Question Why is it important to continuously review your suppliers?

VIDEO: Diversifying your supplier base
Why you should be taking a closer look at your your supplier portfolio.

Do you know where the risks lie within your supplier portfolio? Are you looking to support more local SMEs? Listen to our discussion on why your should be diversifying your current supplier base.

By Mick O'Donnell & Leigh Hatfull on 3 March 2023

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Procurement KPIs: Tracking Performance and Development
How can procurement performance be measured? What are the procurement KPIs that every organisation should adhere to?

Local government has always recognised the value of procurement in delivering high-quality, cost-effective services to residents, and this is true more now than ever.

By Steve Rowland on 13 December 2022

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What are Procurement Policy Notes
Learn what you need to know about procurement policy notes, what they are, what they provide and how they are used.

Procurement has become an increasingly complex function that tests an organisation’s understanding of the rules and how to work within governmental guidelines to better manage this essential service.

By Steve Rowland on 13 July 2022

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Red Theodolite Under Blue Sky and White Clouds

Keep it simple and be brave!
Top tips for procurement professionals

Procurement Consultant, Cheryl Choong, has a wide experience across both private and public sector organisations. Here, she shares her top tips on how to tackle the common challenges and approach the opportunities that may come your way.

By Cheryl Choong on 21 June 2022

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A busy shopping street in London

Making it easier to make a difference
Supporting local authorities to access the Government’s Levelling Up Fund

For local authorities operating in deprived areas, there is urgent need for investment in major projects to expand infrastructure, improve connectivity, and create the jobs and homes needed to boost the local economy. We investigate the Levelling Up Fund – a pot of £4.8 billion which has been set aside by the Government to fund investment in so-called ‘high-value local infrastructure’ and how procurement can help to drive this agenda.

By Steve Rowland on 8 February 2022

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What is Procurement Management?

Procurement management is the process used to ensure that everything is taken care of, from ordering to fulfilment. In this guide we take a closer look at just what procurement management is, the process, how to automate procurement management and its general importance.

By Steve Rowland on 25 November 2021

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White wind turbines on green hills

Sustainable Procurement
A complete guide

As sustainability becomes increasingly important to procurement professionals, this guide offers a deeper dive into the topic; why it is important, its benefits and some of the best practices associated with sustainable procurement.

By Steve Rowland on 18 November 2021

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View of warehouse racking

A guide to Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management and procurement are two separate things. In this guide, we take a closer look at what both procurement and supply chain management is, the differences between the two and why they both matter.

By Jane Shortall on 17 November 2021

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Yellow caution tape on black background

Methods for Managing Procurement Risks

Procurement professionals understand that managing risk is part of the role. In this guide, we take a closer look at managing procurement risks, what some of the more common procurement risks look like and how to manage these risks.

By Steve Rowland on 16 November 2021

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