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Market Insight

Blog articles which provide up-to-date market insights on all things procurement-related.

Why procurement teams need to be doing category management right now
The benefits it brings, top tips for success, and where to go if you need help

Our experts offer their top tips for successful category management implementation – whether it’s your first foray into it, or you’re you’re looking to improve your current processes.

By Steve Lemon on 4 May 2021

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Public sector construction that’s fit for the future
Overcoming the consultancy “problem” to deliver strategic focus and drive results

The construction category is one of the public sector’s most complex and challenging areas of procurement. How can public sector procurement professionals develop a clear strategy and robust processes that will pay off with future service improvements and cost reductions?

By Steve Rowland on 13 April 2021

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Benefits of eXceeding's procurement consultancy

How to run effective procurement processes that deliver results
7 key steps to running an effective procurement process

In these economic-driven times, where businesses are looking for every option to drive down costs, an effective procurement strategy is a key mechanism for getting more for less, as well as mitigating risks and creating value.

By Steve Rowland on 10 February 2021

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What can strategic sourcing/procurement teams do to aid COVID-19 recovery?
Procurement in a post-pandemic world

Strategic sourcing or (procurement) teams optimise complicated supplier relationships and help drive business-wide productivity. In our post-COVID19 climate, we explore how sourcing/procurement teams can help organisations manage their ultimate revival.

By Jane Shortall on 4 February 2021

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Tender Support Services | Tender Management | eXceeding

Procurement optimisation in the face of an economic downturn
How an optimised procurement process can positively affect your organisation's bottom line

A world-class procurement function aims to optimise the entire sourcing process to deliver significant value across the organisation. But now, we need to consider how we optimise procurement processes as we navigate the socio-economic climate we find ourselves in.

By Steve Rowland on 2 January 2021

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Circuit board with red pink and blue dots Motherboard Circuit Background. Virus detected over circuit-ouard.

How to drive significant WAN savings
With zero risk and zero downtime

As more and more organisations look at ways in which to transform their businesses digitally, we are seeing an unprecedented level of enquiries for support in finding an outsourced provider to move to SD WAN.

By Mick O'Donnell on 22 December 2020

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The future of procurement is digital; cost optimisation through e-Procurement
How procurement teams can no longer ignore the need to digitalise

Digitalisation through procurement software and platforms will, for many small to medium enterprises (SMEs), or financially struggling public sector bodies, be the difference between sinking or swimming as they start on the road to recovery.

By Steve Rowland on 10 December 2020

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Changes in public procurement post-Brexit
How UK businesses will transact business with the public sector.

In this blog we explore the changes to public sector procurement, post-Brexit, and how UK businesses will transact business with the public sector moving forwards.

By Jane Shortall on 3 December 2020

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How will businesses re-think their approach to outsourcing post-COVID19?
And how will they shape their outsourcing strategies moving forwards?

Outsourcing services is a key tool, enabling organisations to focus on their core activities and often improving the quality, or competitiveness of the service offered. However, how might organisations’ approach to outsourcing change post-COVID19?

By Elesh KhaKhar on 30 November 2020

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