Transitioning from your incumbent supplier to a new one, or even a new contract or service with an existing supplier, is a complex and multifaceted project. It requires dedicated resources and specialist project management experience in order to avoid delays, complications and interruptions in service. We see too many procurement projects fall at the last hurdle, due to organisation’s not having the correct or spare capacity resource to manage a transition into service.
Imagine the scenario… You have identified the need to move suppliers, or to a new service or contract with an existing supplier, and you may have run a tender to identify your new supplier. But how do you make the move so that it doesn’t affect your customer’s experience or impact your own budget?
Transition management is the practice of negotiating exit terms with your incumbent supplier and ensuring a managed and planned transition to the new supplier/contract.
Moving suppliers, or contracts, creates an additional layer of risk in your organisation, therefore a smooth business transition management process requires meticulous planning and considerable knowledge, skills and resources. The type of resource many organisations do not have just sitting around.
There is also level of people management involved as transition can be part of wider change management programmes. Aligning your internal team with any resulting change can be a project in itself.
This is why business transition management projects can become very complex and why many organisations choose to seek external support through consultants, like us.
Before eXceeding, Steve spent 16 years working on the supplier-side of outsourcing. During Steve’s 24 years’ experience, he has worked on global and UK outsourcing deals, ensuring the creation of win-win partnerships.
Why not book a free appointment to discuss your requirements in more detail with one of our experts.
Why does transition management pose such a challenge?
One example of such a complex transition was that of Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CUH). They were challenged with transitioning from their fully outsourced IT contract to a new service provider, made even more testing by the fact that their IT solution was providing lifesaving services to critically ill patients. A system failure or outage just wasn’t an option. They needed not just a project manager to support the transition, but a full, flexible transition management consulting team onsite to help them manage the highly commercial transition from start to finish.
Without the existing skills in-house to support such a complex task, CUH sought the support of eXceeding to provide transition management consulting; to negotiate their exit strategy and manage their transition management methodology, whilst remaining cost conscious.
Plug the gaps in your team to
get things done successfully.
Ensure the best commercial exit
terms with your incumbent supplier.
Create a detailed and practical
roadmap and transition management methodology.
Determine regular review points to ensure
project governance and best practice.
Build a collaborative relationship
with the new supplier.
Minimising the impact on your customer
experience or internal culture.
Our specialist team of Prince2® qualified project managers can help with your transition management challenge. We can support your team with the additional people, time, skills and tools needed to ensure an effective, efficient and minimal risk move between suppliers.
Speak to us if you are looking for support in transitioning suppliers.
Sometimes it’s easier to discuss your requirements directly. Contact one of our expert consultants now.