Paula Jarvis - Team Member - eXceeding
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Paula Jarvis
Procurement Consultant

Paula Jarvis MCIPS has more than 16 years’ senior procurement experience across a variety of public sector organisations, including Housing Associations, Local Government and the NHS. She also shares this practical knowledge with budding new procurement professionals as a CIPS lecturer. She brings her passion and knowledge for sustainable and ethical procurement practices to every project she works on.

About me
I love colour and like to change my hair colour as much as possible, my bathroom has almost every hair colour imaginable in it! Happy to accept requests! 😃

In my spare time
I am a very active person – walking, hiking, skiing, spin classes, and I have an allotment that keeps me very busy during the summer. I exercise so I can eat cake! Photography is a massive passion of mine and travelling to random places in the UK to take photos is a great way to spend a long weekend, especially if it involves puffins.

Not a lot of people know that
My car is unique and has a wrapped roof……my Dad calls it the deckchair!